Events and Outreach

People sit on hay racks and look at sugarbeet plants that a man is holding in front of them

The NWROC fulfills its outreach mission through Extension programs, an annual field day, off station field tours and programs, and personal accessibility to faculty and staff expertise. NWROC faculty plan and/or participate in approximately 140 different events annually that are held throughout the state of Minnesota and the region, including Canada. Our experts also receive several hundred contacts through phone, email, tweet, text, and personal office visits.

Upcoming Events

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Crops & Soils Day- Wednesday, July 17, 2024

We are pleased to announce the Northwest Research and Outreach Center’s (NWROC) annual Crops and Soils Day event scheduled for Wednesday, July 17, 2024.

The location of the event is at NWROC's Maintenance/Farm Operations Building located just south of Polk County Hwy 71 near the University of Minnesota Crookston Campus. Upon arrival, you will be directed to parking across the street from NWROC's office building.

Registration and CEU signup for the small grains morning tours are at 7:30 a.m. with tours beginning at 8:00 a.m. Registration and CEU signup for the afternoon sugar beet tours open at 12:15 p.m. and the tours will start at 12:45. A complimentary lunch will be served around noon for all guests.

For questions, contact Megan Benoit at [email protected] or phone 218.281.8610.


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